LASROC responds to COVID-19

The health and well-being of our community are important to us. In the interest of helping to limit the impact and spread of COVID-19, the Legal Aid Society of Rochester’s offices are closed. Our programs and services are OPEN. If you are a current client, please contact your attorney directly. If you require legal assistance, please call 585-232-4090. These are challenging times and we appreciate your understanding. Thank you!

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Ensuring dignity, equality, and fairness to those who need it.


Providing full and meaningful access to justice, to counsel, and to the court system.

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Our Mission

The Legal Aid Society of Rochester is a not-for-profit organization that provides direct civil legal services, including lay advocacy and related human services, to adults and children. We ensure that those who seek justice have an opportunity to receive a fair and full hearing. We obtain legal solutions that have a beneficial impact on our clients and the community.

Our Vision

The Legal Aid Society of Rochester believes in the guarantees of due process and equal protection as promised in our State and Federal constitutions.

To ensure that those rights have real meaning, we will strive to provide a highly qualified and zealous advocate to anyone who cannot otherwise obtain representation in civil legal matters.

We will create an environment in our community that values access to legal counsel, so every person is treated with dignity, equality, and fairness.


The Legal Aid Society of Rochester provides a variety of free or low-cost civil legal services to financially eligible individuals. Our work in the Greater Rochester area and many of the surrounding counties, along with our established collaborations with various human service agencies in our area, allows us to provide our clients with a true coordinated community response.

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