The Legal Aid Society of Rochester Condemns the Murder of Daniel Prude by Officers of the Rochester Police Department
Our hearts are with the Prude family and our entire community as we grapple with yet another loss of a person of color at the hands of those charged to serve and protect.
The Legal Aid Society of Rochester condemns the murder of Daniel Prude by officers of the Rochester Police Department. As a long-standing provider of civil legal services in Rochester, the Legal Aid Society of Rochester calls on all members of our community to unite in ending police brutality and racial injustice. We urge the Attorney General to conclude the investigation with all due speed, including providing recommendations for systemic changes to all law enforcement in New York State.
We believe every human deserves to be treated with dignity, equality, and fairness – especially those facing crisis. We remain committed to working to create an environment in our community that values equitable treatment and access to legal counsel, so every person is indeed treated with dignity, equality, and fairness.